My childhood memory of Takoyaki in Osaka.
Takoyaki is a soul food in Osaka. I was born and grew up in Osaka Japan. My Takoyaki memory begins when I was a primary school. On the way to my primary school, there was a Dagashi ya 駄菓子屋. It is a kind of New Zealand Dairy where children can buy lollies and snacks with pocket money. The Dagashiya shop was run by a middle-aged lady and she cook Takoyaki as well.
I used to love visiting her shop on the way home after school when I had pocket money. The amazing thing is that she sells Takoyaki to kids from only 1 for 10 yen!! Off course, the sign says ” 10 Takoyaki for \100″. However, she always lets kids allow to buy with their small pocket money, and lets us put sauce and topping even 1 Takoyaki on a paper towel. \100 is about NZ$1.1.

From the perspective of young kids, we want to buy as many varieties and volumes of lollies and snacks as much as we can. Most Dagasi was 10 yen each back in the days of the Showa era. We chose some lollies and ordered a few Takoyaki like Dagashi. The photo on the left reminds me of my childhood Dagashi ya.
I remember when she was busy with lots of customers, I helped her to cook Takoyaki. It was very hot when i was turning around the Takoyaki in front of the big shop-size cast iron plate. But, I was pleased to sense her trust to let me do this job. I enjoyed talking with visitors at the shop, too. Anyway, this is my first memory of cooking Takoyaki on my own. This experience stuck my whole life. cooking Takoyaki is fun!
Takoyaki home party with limited ingredients
Making Takoyaki oversea can be expensive. Because Tako ( Octopus ) is rare outside Japan. Takoyaki sauce, mayonnaise, and topping for serving are imported from Japan. Therefore, the price is much higher than in Japan. Takoyaki supposes to be good budget food…Its always a mission for migrating Japanese to find a good alternative way to create Japanese food! Yes, you can make them with local ingredients!
Alternative Takoyaki ingredients suggestions outside of Japan
- Tako ( Octopus) = frozen seafood mix
- Takoyaki sauce = BBQ sauce, Steak sauce or mixing both with a bit of soy sauce. You can explore to find your taste.
- My kid’s favorite one is to put a piece of frankfurter sausage, cheese and spring onion inside.
- Anything you would like to add! Be creative!
Let’s start the Takoyaki party!

You might have watched Net flix Street food Asia before. I believe the best Takoyaki is to be made at home. BYO drinks and snacks to share with family and friends at home create a relaxed environment and a good budget.
Takoyaki party is a common home party style in Osaka on any occasion and in my circle of friends and family.
Buying a Takoyaki maker
Amazon Japan accommodates international shipping. While Doller is strong against Yen.
It would be a good buy while the currency rate of the dollar is strong against the Japanese yen. Click the photo below.
This is from Amazon Japan. Set the language into English in the settings. You can order it and ship it to your door.
This one doesn’t need to consider the electric issue. Just use a cassette gas bottle.
This is also from Amazon Japan.
This is just a cast iron Takoyaki plate. You can put it on your portable gas cooker to use it.
Thank you for visiting my blog. Feel free to enquire about making Takoyaki, I am happy to help the purchaser of the Takoyaki machine from the page link.