Aggretsuko アグレッシブ烈子 Teenage girl Netflix review

Japanese culture

日本語苦手 思春期ハーフ女子のネットフリックス視聴記録 



I noticed my teenage daughter watched the same animation from Netflix. I was curious and asked her to write about it. I use this as an opportunity for her to develop her writing skills. It was interesting that she recommend this from around the age of 10 to 30. I said to her why not me? She replied to me “I guess you won’t understand. You can watch if you want!” I still do not watch it yet.

Aggretsuko is an anime from Japan on Netflix. It’s about a girl figuring out her life. And she has a secret, she loves death metal and it’s her way of relieving herself from stress. Every day she goes to a karaoke room and sings her heart out.

It’s a very funny and cute series. Retsuko, the main character, is trying to find love. I like this series because the graphics are cute and the storyline is enjoyable to watch.

I’m up to season 3 out of the four seasons and I will be sad when I finish it. The character growth is so good, especially Retsukos boss. He starts off as a mean, sexist old man but as time goes on he grew on me. Overall to sum it up I LOVED the show and would watch it again happily. 

I would recommend this show for people who like anime and are around the ages of 10 to 30 because the storyline is something you might be able to relate to and understand the Humour.

